How to Root Galaxy SIII the Easy Way! (GT-i9300)

Want to root your Galaxy SIII but having some difficulties? Well, in the post, I will tell you an easier way to do it! So, CF-Root is considered to be the easiest of them all when it comes to rooting – particularly for those just starting out! 
  1. Make sure your device is GT-i9300.
  2. Download ODIN 1.85, which is the tool you’ll need to flash the CF-Root package onto your device.
  3. Download the package, and extract.
  4. Once you’ve unpacked your CF-Root archive, you should end up with CF-Root-SGS3-v6.0.tar
  5. Ensuring your device is not connected to your computer, run ODIN.
  6. Click PDA, and select the .tar you extracted back in Step 2.
  7.  Place your device into Download Mode by turning it off, and holding Volume Down + Home + Power simultaneously. Once that’s done, reconnect your phone to your computer.
  8. Ensuring the Repartition option is not checked, click Start, and after ODIN works its magic, the job is complete, and your Samsung Galaxy S III will have basic root access.
And that's how you Root your Samsung Galaxy S III :)