This is believed to be a set a leaked photos of the upcoming product from Apple, rumoured to be the iPad Mini 2. This is claimed to be the back casing of the iPad itself leaked from a chinese forum (via Apple insider) which also suggests a thicker form factor than the 1st generation.
The thicker form factor suggests that the iPad mini 2 will have a retina display, as the iPad 3 was thicker than the iPad 2 when it got a Retina Display. And who knows, maybe it will have a better battery as well! Analysts say that Apple has decided to refresh its tablet line up twice every year, which suggest that there might be some new products unveiled this march! And if rumours are to be true, the Retina iPad Mini will obviously be priced higher than the Original iPad mini which already is overpriced from the other 7" competitors. Take a look at these pictures-
The thicker form factor suggests that the iPad mini 2 will have a retina display, as the iPad 3 was thicker than the iPad 2 when it got a Retina Display. And who knows, maybe it will have a better battery as well! Analysts say that Apple has decided to refresh its tablet line up twice every year, which suggest that there might be some new products unveiled this march! And if rumours are to be true, the Retina iPad Mini will obviously be priced higher than the Original iPad mini which already is overpriced from the other 7" competitors. Take a look at these pictures-