Download Music Files in iOS with 'Free Music Download'

One of the main features that iOS fails to provide is the ability to download files or .mp3 files. Be it through safari or by mail. Sometimes there comes a time when we need to download certain music files which may not be on the iTunes Store. One of the apps that I found very helpful is 'Free Music Download' app by Sergey Sokolov.
This app not only allows you to download music files but play them through different equalizers and search for its lyrics directly from the app.
*Download Music Files
*Inbuilt browser to download from any website.
*Same arrangement of playlists, albums, artists, genres, Songs.
*Rename files, make folders, move files.
*Apply equalizers.

One of the main advantages that I found in this app is the ability to get the lyrics to a song with just a single tap. Also, in te regular iOS music app, you would have to go into the setting menu, music and ten select an equalizer. But in this app, you can directly change equalizers without having to go into te settings menu. The ability to create folders is also a pretty cool feature which the regular app does not provide. Also, when you connect your device to a computer, you can copy your downloaded files to your computer or even to your music library.

With all these above mentioned advantages also comes certain disadvantages that we have to deal with. For example, there no particular order or website that you can go into and download a song. Unlike the iTunes Store, you'd have to go a particular website and search for a song and then download one of desirable quality. But that quality or the song is not guaranteed. But when you're downloading music from websites like cdbaby spotify etc, it won't be such a big problem.
Given below are a few pictures of the Pp in action.